Get Paid $50 Everytime You Send an Email !— With Mail4Cash

Get Paid For Sending “Copy & Paste” Emails

Afnan Jalil
5 min readAug 15, 2024


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

(You can read this story for free HERE)

Yesterday, I got the most interesting email regarding the launch of another “MONEY-MAKING” software.

Normally I don’t give much attention to promotional emails like this, but this one excited me.

WHY? you might ask.

Have you ever wanted someone to do the difficult part of your work and you get to do the easier thing?

To be handed things on a plate?

I know we all do (heheheh), and no it’s not a bad thing to want ease in your life. NOT AT ALL.

As an affiliate marketer, I always wanted someone else to write emails for me and set up the whole campaign thing.

So I could just send those emails with my affiliate links and make money.

And guess WHAT?

The Internet is a crazy place. You manifest something and it starts existing.

Mail4Cash is paying you a minimum of $50 every time you send an email.

Let’s suppose you send 10 emails per day (50*10)= $500. DAMNN




Afnan Jalil

I am a young chirpy writer, Skimming the streams of solopreneurship and marketing to learn, create and earn